Bearing Life’s Burdens

Everybody has problems.

One of our problems is: what do we do with our problems?

The Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 6:5 that, “every man shall bear his own burden.

Seems simple enough–got a problem? Then take care of it. Don’t burden others, be responsible, man up, and deal with it.

Paul also tells us, three verses earlier, “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

OK, seems simple enough: Do what you can to help others bear their burdens.

So, OK, now I bear my burdens and I’m bearing other people’s burdens? Where am I getting the energy to bear all this?

Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

The Psalmist tells The Righteous that they can trust the Lord to help with their burdens.

As you bear your own and other’s burdens, throw those burdens on the Lord.

Remember, His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.

Christ is pulling with you. Don’t forget that.

Also don’t forget that this promise is for “the righteous.”

Perhaps life is beating you down so much because you’re not right with God. You don’t know the right way to deal with problems. Perhaps you are running to other possible sources of deliverance beside the Lord, because your unrighteousness is deceiving you, or making you too afraid to come to God for assistance.

These are possibilities that deserve attentive consideration.

We will know Christ is pulling with us because our whining will decrease and our patience will increase.

You know you are pulling alone when the whining is ramped up and patience is out the window.

Eternity is a long time. We are living for that.

All this stuff here is just trouble waiting to be smashed into oblivion with the glories of eternal fellowship with our Savior.

One thought on “Bearing Life’s Burdens”

  1. And I love that hymn, “Cast thy Burden upon the Lord” (Mendelssohn). Good thoughts. Thanks.

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